
State of survival tips reddit
State of survival tips reddit

state of survival tips reddit

Individually, you can be scored based on how many waves you have defended during the event. Infected Horde Rewards Since the Infected Horde is an Alliance event, you’ll be scored depending on your successful defense. HQ level 25 and up: You can defend yourself versus the rest if you receive reinforcements from alliance members.HQ level 18: You can defend yourself until the 17th wave.

state of survival tips reddit

  • HQ Level 16: You can defend versus the first 13 waves easily.
  • Your HQ Level, and training facility level will help determine your defense success as follows: There is a total of 20 Horde Waves incoming, and each of them will get a higher level per wave. You can then focus on helping your stronger alliance members by sending reinforcements to their settlement. If your settlement has failed to defend from an enemy attack 2 times, then hordes will stop going to you. You must ensure that your Barricade has your strongest heroes on patrol in order to maximize your defense. Your Lookout Tower will detect the wave and show a timer before the horde hits your settlement. Your goal, is to defend your settlement, heal your troops, and send reinforcements to your allies. An enemy leader will appear near your Alliance HQ, and they will be sending hordes in waves to attack. Infected Horde Event Mechanics How does this event work exactly and what do you need to do? During an Infected Horde event, your alliance leader can begin a timer where waves of enemies will march towards each alliance member’s settlements.

    state of survival tips reddit

    You can also help your stronger alliance members reinforce their settlement. Your goal is to stand your grand in the settlement and make sure your defenses are intact. The Infected Horde is an Alliance event where the Leader can call in an Infected that can send in waves of enemies to everyone. But what happens if suddenly waves of infected go to your Settlement instead? Would you be able to defend your settlement and stand your grand versus enemies coming in succession? Out in the Wilderness, you send out troops in order to defeat infected enemies in order to gain resources and rewards.

    State of survival tips reddit